Alberto Caballero gave a lecture on “Character Development” at SlavConf. Pathways as a keynote speaker. Having taught a lot in Spain, we were happy to welcome him for his first lecture in English.
He explained how writers can draw inspiration from life and gave examples how his own life influenced his writing and his characters. According to Alberto experience in life helps a lot. He says that “comedy is everywhere – it is a point of view”.
One of the most important things when developing characters is to find their “dominant passion”. The process of finding it and sustaining the relationship with characters was explained through examples. He shared with the audience how he created one of his most funny and complex characters – Antonio Recio, played by the actor Jordi Sanchez. Also here his life was a useful tool for him as a writer. To him comedy can portray real problems of society and transform them into funny but also meaningful scripts – “good comedy always comes from the drama”.
The final part of the lecture was based on useful advice which could help young scriptwriters to find the problems in their writing before it is too late. He stressed on the importance of working in a team. He has worked with his best friend and his sister Laura for most of his career and believes this is important when writing comedy – the atmosphere has to be friendly and liberal.
A lot of time was also dedicated to Q&A by the audience. At the end of the session he spoke about freedom in writing and how important it is when writing comedy.