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SlavConf. is included in the Sofia Congress and MICE Sector Mapping

SlavConf. is one of the Thematic, Digital and Innovative Events recommended by Innovative Sofia in their new mapping of the Congress and MICE (meetings, incentives, conferencing & exhibitions) sector in Sofia. The first edition of the MICE matrix includes information on the main venues, supporting organizations, and some of the significant events in the city.
The team of Innovative Sofia has been actively working on a series of sector matrices dedicated to various priority industries in Sofia. The goal of the new mapping is to illustrate the rapidly evolving MICE ecosystem in Sofia, to draw additional attention to the various participants in it and to show some of its successful representatives in Bulgaria and around the world. Next year, the matrix will be further expanded to include even more representatives of the sector and categories such as additional sections for outdoor event locations, presentation of the innovative technological solutions that the event sector uses to bring its business online and add value in a digital environment, etc.

The city continues to work actively on building a recognizable image and brand of Sofia and its promotion as a modern, innovative European city, a preferred place for tourism, life and business. And congress tourism plays an important role in building this overall image.

You can find more information on the website of Innovative Sofia.

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